Daruma Doll

President and Sister Halvorson gave the missionaries a Daruma doll for New Years.  The Daruma doll is rich in symbolism and is a sign of good luck for the new year.
The eyes are blank. Once you determine your goal,  you color in the first eye. At the end of the year, you complete your goal and finish the other eye.
The Daruma doll wobbles but won't stay down. If you tip it on it's side, it uprights itself. This is symbolic of perseverance in striving toward your goal. You may falter but just pick yourself up and keep trying.

President Russell M. Nelson, the prophet gave us a New Year's Message for 2023...

Be Patient...
Be Persistent..
Be Prayerful...


  1. I love this! It was fun seeing Elder Robertson's daruma doll!


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