Language Study

We interviewed 17 missionaries this week in an effort to organize English Connect for Missionaries.  We were so impressed with caliber of these young men and women.  Missionaries are encouraged to study language at least 1 hour a day.  The Japanese are encouraged to learn English and the English speaking missionaries are encouraged to learn Japanese.  We will be holding classes in the evening to help those studying English improve their English skills.

I am still studying Japanese at least an hour a day.  I continue to have a teacher 1-2 times a week. I try to practice 100 vocabulary words a day. I also play Duolingo and Rosetta Stone. Fred found me some good children's stories to practice reading. This one is "The Three Bears".  The book reads from back to front and right to left, as it should be.

My progress is slow but I do see gradual improvement.  Hopefully, learning a language will keep my mind young and active.  


  1. I'm so impressed Paula, and no doubt it will keep your mind young :) Hope you had a sweet valentine's day.


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