Fall is covering the mountains. Temperatures are 50-65 degrees. So beautiful!!
We have received 17 new missionaries. I make "cookies to go" for the new missionaries and their companions. Some missionaries have to travel up to 5 hours to get to their new locations. It is nice to have cookies for the road.
I end up going through a lot of butter and sugar. Thank heavens for Costco! |
Last cookie is a mix because I ran out of frosting.
We opened our last apartment for a little while. There were 13 apartments when we arrived. We now have over 40. We have become very efficient in preparing new apartments.
We are now traveling once a week for apartment inspections. This is particularly fun because we get to see more of Japan and work with these awesome missionaries. Some apartments are older and need repairs. Others need furnishings updated. Fred is using a lot of his repair skills on this mission. Who knew that these things would be needed?
We also teach English Connect to the Japanese missionaries three times a week. The church encourages missionaries to take the opportunity to learn English while they are on their missions. Our Japanese missionaries are really learning to speak English well.
I have many more medical phone calls now that we have 89 missionaries in our mission. I have enjoyed being able to help our missionaries navigate through their medical needs. I always include their needs in my prayers because with God all things are possible.
Fred continues to manage the financial needs of the mission. This includes reimbursing the missionaries for some expenses and ensuring they have funds to cover their needs.
We are loving our mission. Happily engaged in a good cause and enjoying our visit to the wonderful country of Japan.
"Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness." D&C 58:27
Oh Sister Allen, what a wonderful post! Ben took tools on our mission and as a result he was able to meet the needs of a lot of senior couples. Molehills can quickly become mountains if they aren't resolved early. I am not surprised you are using your valuable nursing skills -- I didn't expect you would be using your culinary skills! Great pictures --- looks like great weather.