'Miracle Chair'

 This week, we helped some missionaries get rid of extra things from an apartment that has been used by missionaries for over 9 years. Things collect over time so it needed some refreshing. One of their chairs was broken so we decided to go to a home goods store to replace the chair. The store was approximately 30 minutes away.  Elder Allan was prompted to try a local furniture shop only 5 minutes away. This store had really nice furniture, not anything we could afford for a missionary apartment. Elder Allan explained what he was looking for. The employee said, "Are  you a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?" Evidently, two of the people that worked there were members of the church. The furniture store donated a used chair to the missionaries. It is much nicer any other chair they have in the apartment. We call it our 'miracle chair'.  Who would have thought you would find members of the church in a remote, rural area of Japan? We are blessed.

We had Zone Conference this week which is a full day of training. We enjoy spending time with the missionaries. I was impressed by this video called "The Gift of Time"


We are all given the same amount of time every day. You can't save it up like money for another day. You choose each day how you will spend your time. When the day is over the time is gone. I love how this Sister asks God what He would have her do today. 

This is nashi season (Asian pear). They are so delicious. We were given a giant nashi at church today. Japan is the only place you need an unveiling for your fruit. This is the biggest nashi we have every seen. Oishii desu, ne!!

The Japanese parades are hard to find. We found one last night when we stopped by the store for a few things. It is super fun to enjoy these celebrations.





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