More food adventures...

 More food adventures....

Cold Ramen for a hot summer day.

Shrimp, ham, omlette, imitation crab, tofu, diakon, tomato, cucumber, bean sprouts  

Hiyashi Chuka (Cold Ramen)

Google:Just One Cookbook for a delicious recipe

Mont Blanc
One of our missionaries had a birthday yesterday. We had to try his favorite cake.  It is a white cake with cream topping covered in chestnut noodles. Yummy!

We are expecting 28 missionaries by the end of September. This means we need to open a lot of apartments.  So exciting!! We are loving it and anxiously engaged in a good cause.


  1. You look so happy and the food looks great. Our grandson enters the Provo MTC this coming week and in less than two months will be your neighbor. Sort of. :-) Not one of your 28, but I'm sure part of Fukuoka's new force.


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