Beautiful Japan

We went up high in the mountains. The scenery was beautiful with Kobe below and the ocean beyond. There are so many things to see up here. We will definitely have to return again. Yesterday, we saw a music box museum with a quaint garden path called the "Sounds of the Forest".  They had small music boxes along the path and beautiful flowers.

This is a pond with lilies and frogs croaking.

This music box (Pneumatic Orchestrions) sounded like a full orchestra playing an Overture from operetta "Light Calvary".  Amazing!! Who thought to create a box that included horns, flutes, pipes, and even a drum. The song lasted at least 5 minutes.

Beautiful flowers

And even a tree house to climb.

Today we have invited a friend from our morning walks to join us for dinner. We are going to teach him about Jesus Christ.  Elder Anderson taught the missionaries to say, "Iesu Kirisuto o shijite imasu." (I believe in Jesus Christ.) We will talk to him about Jesus's visit to the American Continent and how he blessed and taught the people. This really is missionary work!!
There were nice places to sit and enjoy the garden.


  1. That sounds like an amazing place to spend the day! A garden with music boxes! We might have to add Kobe to our growing list of places to visit on the earth. You look amazing and we STILL miss you and talk about you here (only the good and amazing things.)

  2. Beautiful pictures -- beautiful flowers! I'm so happy you are having a great experience.


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