In the service of the Lord...

Some of you have asked what happened last week.  We have received 22 missionaries just in the last 6 weeks.  It's crazy sauce around here.  We've opened 7 apartments with 5 more soon to be opened.  We are building bunk beds, fixing bicycles, making cookies, hosting a missionary in our home, packing boxes, shopping for essential items, packing more boxes, more shopping, and breaking down boxes to be recycled.  This doesn't include our office duties and caring for the missionaries.  It is our pleasure to be in the service of the Lord.

We did see a really cool castle on the top of a hill.  It is in Tottori 2.5 hours from were we live. We traveled there to deliver and assemble a bunk bed.  We were hoping we could stop by the castle on our way home but unfortunately the road was closed.

"All the beauty in the earth bears the fingerprint of the Master Creator"
Gordon B Hinckley


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