Animal Kingdom

This week, we were able to catch up on a lot of our office work.  I was able to make address labels in kanji for our new apartments.  I think that is a bit of a miracle since I can't read kanji at all. Next week, we open another apartment and receive several new missionaries. 

I continue to study Japanese everyday. This week I have been memorizing a scripture in Japanese. It is super challenging but I almost have it.

 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. Moroni 10:4

また,このろくけるとき,これがしんじつかどうかキリストのによってえいえんちちなるかみように,あなたがたにすすめたい。もしキリストをしんながら,せいしんせいうならば,かみはこれがしんじつであることを,せいれいちからによってあなたがたにあきらかにしてくださる. Moroni 10:4

Yesterday we went to a place called the Kobe Animal Kingdom. I am always surprised at the close contact other countries allow with animals. We saw a slouth climbing on branches not in an enclosure. He was so close I could have reached out and touched him.

I saw two flamingoes within three feet of me. I was videotaping them because they were rapidly turning their heads from side to side. A lemur jumped up beside me on the rail within a foot of me.

The children were feeding capybara and large tortoises. There was a large frogmouth bird on a branch one foot from me. Children were petting the kangaroos. They had small anteaters climbing on a tree above our head (7-8-foot high)  We saw marmoset monkeys freely climbing the structures in the facility. We saw pelicans being fed within six feet of us. We saw a Victoria Crowned Pigeon which is a beautiful blue bird.

We saw a large black bear climb a tree in his enclosure and go to sleep. I took a picture of a corpse flower in bloom. I couldn't smell it though which is probably a good thing.

Fred and Paula's most excellent adventure continues...


  1. You are continuing to have a "most excellent adventure" because you do the work that is needed to be done wherever you are. We miss you but it makes us happy to keep up with your service in Japan.


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