Spring is a reminder of Christ and new beginnings...

Spring has sprung here in Japan. We find beautiful cherry blossoms, the Japanese maples are a bright spring green, the flowers along our walk are well cared for by a Japanese woman each morning. Spring reminds us our Savior, Jesus Christ. He has over come death through the resurrection and spiritual death through repentance. Our prophet taught us last weekend at General Conference, "Discover the joy of daily repentance. Satan delights in your misery. Cut it short."
During the week, we work in the Mission Office. Saturday is our day off. We went hiking in the mountains yesterday. We found one cherry blossom tree in full bloom among many other trees. It was beautiful. We hiked to four waterfalls. There was a small ramen shop on the mountain with a window that faced a waterfall. There was a group of older Japanese people eating at the ramen shop. They welcomed us to their table and gave us small individually wrapped treats from their bags. It's called an omiyage (souvenir). In the evening, we went to a wonderful traditional Japanese restaurant. They served us a 7 course meal including Hida beef which you cook at the table. The meat is heavily marbled. It absolutely melts in your mouth.
This is the owner, the chef, and the bus boy. He has not hired many employees because the restaurant is still not serving a lot of people due to COVID. He says he even mops the floors after he closes at night. He was so personable and kind. He took a poloroid picture of us and sat and talked to us. He also owns a restaurant in Ukraine. We talked about how sad we felt for the war torn areas. We were introduced in church today. I was able to speak a few words of Japanese. The ward members are so kind. We look forward to getting to know them better. One brother gave us Kobe Beef. We were so surprised!
"...Worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessing which he doth bestow upon you." (Alma 34:38) We are so grateful to be serving in Japan. God has blessed us. I pray that we may bless others in turn.


  1. Happy Easter Fred and Paula on your New Beginning! Love Yall!

  2. Blessings upon you two! Thank you for enhancing our Easter with your wonderful message!

  3. Great pictures! It looks like you’re having a wonderful time in that beautiful country!
    Thanks for the update!
    Sister Samuelson
    Also, Sis. Robert’s would like to be added to get this blog. Her email is:


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