Is it Winter or Spring?

Is it Winter or Spring? Last week, we had some days up to 60 degrees, and then today is in the 30's. The trees have full buds ready to pop open. Last night the heavy wet snow broke many large branches on the trees. Fred and I went to on a 4 mile walk through the snow. What usually takes 20 minute per mile took 37 minutes per mile. It was tough and now I have a blister on my heel.
We enjoyed RootsTech 2022 this year with the theme #ChooseConnection. If you missed it, it is not too late. These classes will be available for the next year. I listened to many classes on Collecting and Writing Stories. My dad is sharing many fun stories from his earlier days. I've started recording them so that I can preserve his life stories. One speaker taught us to do what you enjoy. If you enjoy research, do that. If you like organizing photos, do that. If you like writing stories, do that. If you like indexing, do that. Don't feel like you have to be an expert to participate in family history. Everyone can particpate. Just choose to connect. I loved it and I'm doing it.


  1. I guess you're new to Utah winters. 😆 Spring shows up on the 20th. No guarantee on the weather.💗

  2. Thanks for sharing. Doing family history brings me so much joy.


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