Happy News!!

Happy News!! We have our visas. We will be going to Japan next week. Maybe there will still be some cherry blossoms? We are busily packing and weighing our luggage. I feel like a pioneer trying to choose what can come and what cannot. We have a lot of last minute tasks that couldn't be done until right before leaving.
We have enjoyed our time here in Utah. We are grateful for the time we have been able to spend with our family after 34 years of living away. We have been able to participate in many wonderful events. We have been able to serve in the Church History Library. We have read many journals of the early church. When would I ever have read historical documents for 6+ hours a day? It has given me a better understanding of where we have come from as a church. I see the maturity of the church as God continues to reveal His will. We have been serving in Japan remotely so we are comfortable with the duties of the office. We look forward to getting to know our missionaries even better. Stay tuned for pictures from Japan


  1. Yay!!! I'm so happy and excited for you! Safe travels my friend!

  2. Yayyy! So happy for you! Looking forward to your posts and pictures from Japan!

  3. I am so excited for you both that you finally get to go to your mission your place where are you supposed to be I just don’t know how much to express my happiness for you I’m sorry I have not been in touch for a while I was gone for a month and I lost my phone for a whole month I was without communication with no one I missed you my friend and I wish you the best to both of you may the Lord bless you and protect you and keep you healthy love you with all my heart your friend ❤️

  4. I'm so excited for you to finally be headed to your mission homeland, although it was a blessing for you to be with Fred's mom before she passed. Those are memories that can never be taken away.
    Sayonara! Hurrah for Israel!

  5. We are so excited for you but glad that your mission stopped for some time in the Utah Salt Lake City Mission. We will miss you but LOVE that you get to finally go to Japan.


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