Be content...

We received the excellent news this week that the travel department has sent in our passports to receive our visa. This is a good sign that things are moving in the right direction. Yay!! We feel our time is short in Salt Lake City.
The MTC finally stopped my Japanese lessons after 1 year and 5 months. I am so grateful for the language lessons that I have received. Most of the time I was taking lessons twice a week. I continue to study at least an hour a day. Fred and I try to speak in Japanese on our walks. Shortly after our arrival in Japan, we anticipate young missionaries that have been waiting like us to come to Japan. We will be busy setting up apartments, moving furniture, and running the office while the President will be very busy with these new missionaries. We still have a year left on our mission. Keep your fingers crossed and your prayers coming. We have high hopes that we will make it this time.
In the meantime, we continue to count our blessings. We attend the temple weekly. We see our parents every weekend. We enjoy lunches at the COB (Church Office Building) where a brother plays piano music every day. We enjoy walks in the canyon and around the capital. We have a comfortable apartment, albeit small. We just received General Conference tickets for the upcoming conference. We have service that we can give that keeps us engaged and busy. We started teaching English to our Japanese missionaries which allow us to be more involved with our missionaries in Japan. We are able to participate in important family events. We are blessed "Be content with such things as ye have." Hebrews 13:5


  1. I love your posts! Praying that you go to Japan soon! 🤗

  2. Great news about Japan! I hope the next few weeks pass quickly.


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