Tender Mercies

Temple Square is offering free daily organ recitals from both the Tabernacle and the Conference Center.  Fred and I took the opportunity to enjoy one of the concerts.  It was so impressive to listen to this recital on the Pipe Organs.  The organist was amazing.

At the Church History Library, I am reading the history of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple ground breaking, cultural celebration, open house, and dedication.  These are the testimonies that were placed in the cornerstone of the temple.  I can feel the same spirit that I feel in the temple as I read these testimonies.  Some make me laugh and others make me cry.  It has been a good experience.  I can see how the Lord touches so many lives from this one event of building the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.  This is God's work. I see his hand in the small, tender mercies for his children.

This weekend we had the opportunity to watch our 2 year old granddaughter while my daughter Laura celebrated her 5th Wedding Anniversary.  I have so much joy spending time with my family.

We are so grateful to attend Lily's baptism last week.  These are special times!!


  1. I love to read your blog entries! You make me want to go on a mission right now! 😂 enjoy this beautiful time and your family too❤️


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