Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent

 I became super frustrated this week when I tried to take a review quiz in Japanese and failed miserably.  Those of you who know me well, know that I have been studying Japanese over three years.  Fred says, "How do you think I feel.  I have been studying over 40 years."  It is definitely a challenging language.  I could feel my blood pressure rising.

The next day, we went to the temple.  I love how my perspective changed as I came to realize again that  God is all powerful and He is in charge.  My minuscule efforts are just baby steps in the grand scheme of things.  Through Him, all things are possible.

At the Church History Library, I am reading the family history of the grandson of President Joseph F Smith.  I am reading the correspondence between the prophet and his grandson, Joseph S Nelson.  President Joseph F Smith was a loving grandfather who supported his grandson throughout his life.  I think about the love I have for my sweet grandchildren.  This helps me have perspective that family is where it is at.  What you are doing every day to help your family does make all the difference in their lives.

We also have a Heavenly Father that loves us.  He sent His Son to show us the way to return to God. 

"I beheld multitudes of people who were sick, and who were afflicted with all manner of disease, and with devils and unclean spirits; and the angel spake and showed all these things unto me.  And they were healed by the power of the Lamb of God; and the devils and the unclean spirits were cast out." 1 Nehi 11:31

We are following the Savior in our efforts to minister and serve others.


  1. 💙💙💙 you! Yes love Fred’s perspective that he’s been studying Japanese for 40 years! Yes! Family is where it’s at!

  2. Thanks for sharing Paula!! We love you!!

  3. I enjoy reading your comments- I see that you all gave it all up to serve the Lord.
    Sold your home, moved to UT and now finding yourselves continue to learn, work, and put much effort serving the Lord. All your efforts matter to the Lord. We all see it, we all benefit from it.
    Thank you for living exemplary lives for all of us to follow. Love you both

  4. All in good time the language will come. My son left for Argentina with comments that his language skills sounded like he'd been to taco bell. I am sure the right circumstances will present themselves providing you with the opportunity to obtain the desired skills.


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