MTC has begun

 Our mission training has begun via Zoom. We will be taking classes for the next two weeks. We are learning many things about being a missionary. Our goal is to help others come to Christ.  

Japan borders are still closed. We will be moving to an apartment in Salt Lake City to wait for our visas. We will be working remotely with the office missionaries currently in Japan to learn our new responsibilities. We don’t know how long we will have to wait but we move forward with faith praying that God will guide us as we wait. 


  1. Praying that the borders will soon be open so that y’all can travel to Japan to practice the language that y’all have been so diligently studying. And to bless the lives of those whom y’all will serve!

  2. I surely love you two. So thankful for your example!

  3. Missionary service is great no matter where you are!


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