COVID vaccines required- March 12, 2021

It was a miracle Fred got an appointment. We were told by the MTC that we couldn't go foreign if we didn't have the COVID vaccine. We can't get one in Utah because we are Texas residents. We can't become Utah residents until after the mission because of income tax and our international drivers license reasons. We fasted on Sunday asking the Lord to help us get appointments. My appointment became available about an hour after we were told we needed it. We didn't know how Fred could get his appointment. Last night at 2:30 am Fred woke up to the spirit telling him to get an appointment from CVS right then. He started working on it and finally was able to schedule an appointment at 6:00 am this morning. He will fly in on Tuesday to get his first shot. The second for him will be a fly in and leave the same day on April 13. We feel blessed.


  1. What a blessing for those missionaries adn that president!

  2. Love your Blog & am inspired to do something similar to share our wonderful missionary experiences with family, friends & the world. :)

  3. Love the tender mercies of the Lord and just how everything falls right into place. He truly is in the details of our lives.

  4. I love to see how The Lord is always in the details!!!!

  5. Thank you for sharing your excellent adventure. That mission is and will be so blessed!


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