Build your spiritual foundation
The recent events of turmoil in Ukraine, the on going pandemic, the difficulty of discerning truth has removed peace from our world. We need even more the counsel of our prophet from the last General Conference. He counseled us to build our spiritual foundations. We must go forward in our lives even when it feels as if like everything is falling apart. He told us to spare no effort to build a foundation that will withstand the forces of nature into the Millennium. "If you and I are to withstand the forthcoming perils and pressures, it is imperative that we each have a firm spiritual foundation built upon the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ." President Russel M. Nelson Provo City Center Temple The temple is one blessing that we have been able to participate in throughout this hybrid mission while we wait for Japan to open. We receive spiritual strength, broader perspectives, and increased understanding as we go to the temple. Bountiful Temple Our ...