
Showing posts from February, 2022

Build your spiritual foundation

The recent events of turmoil in Ukraine, the on going pandemic, the difficulty of discerning truth has removed peace from our world. We need even more the counsel of our prophet from the last General Conference.  He counseled us to build our spiritual foundations.  We must go forward in our lives even when it feels as if like everything is falling apart.  He told us to spare no effort to build a foundation that will withstand the forces of nature into the Millennium.   "If you and I are to withstand the forthcoming perils and pressures, it is imperative that we each have a firm spiritual foundation built upon the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ."   President Russel M. Nelson Provo City Center Temple The temple is one blessing that we have been able to participate in throughout this hybrid mission while we wait for Japan to open.  We receive spiritual strength, broader perspectives, and increased understanding as we go to the temple. Bountiful Temple Our ...
(Sing to "Farmer in the Dell") 日本に行きたい 日本い行きたい おおきいひこきで 日本に行きたい To Japan I want to go, To Japan I want to go, In a big airplane, To Japan I want to go. Thank you to James, my brother-in-law, who shared this little ditty with us.  Japan is opening borders on March 1.  We are hoping this will be the path for us to get to Japan.  One bonus is the quarantine has decreased to 3 days or less. My father said, "Now you can start your mission."  Correction--We've been serving for 9.5 months.  The clock is ticking. "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him; fret not thyself..." Psalm 37:7 It's hard to be patient...

Language Study

We interviewed 17 missionaries this week in an effort to organize English Connect for Missionaries.  We were so impressed with caliber of these young men and women.  Missionaries are encouraged to study language at least 1 hour a day.  The Japanese are encouraged to learn English and the English speaking missionaries are encouraged to learn Japanese.  We will be holding classes in the evening to help those studying English improve their English skills. I am still studying Japanese at least an hour a day.  I continue to have a teacher 1-2 times a week. I try to practice 100 vocabulary words a day. I also play Duolingo and Rosetta Stone. Fred found me some good children's stories to practice reading. This one is "The Three Bears".  The book reads from back to front and right to left, as it should be. My progress is slow but I do see gradual improvement.  Hopefully, learning a language will keep my mind young and active.  

Don't worry about what you can't control.

I have been studying more about personal revelation. I received strong impressions that we would be going to Japan before the end of the year. I really feel those impressions were from God yet we are still here in Salt Lake City while COVID rages on.  This is left me wondering about why I would have this impression yet it didn't come to fruition. The first scripture that come to  mind is found in Isaiah. 8 ¶  For my   thoughts   are   not   your   thoughts, neither   are   your   ways   my   ways , saith the   Lord . 9  For  as  the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my  ways   higher  than your ways, and my  thoughts  than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 President Russel M. Nelson closed his last conference talk with the following advise. "The pandemic has demostrated how quickly life can change, at times from circumstances beyond our control. However, there are many things...