"Chisel away the superfluous material"

This week, Fred and I took the opportunity to take an 8 hour carving class from my mom. The Utah Valley Woodcarver's Club held a carving show in Spanish Fork. It was so amazing to see the talent and creativity of so many people's works of art. Many, including my mom, have worked years to develop the skills of carving. I loved the comradery among the fellow carvers. They willing help each other as they work together in their individual creations. It was amazing to see a block of wood take shape and become something more. I have always loved what Michelangelo said about sculpting. "The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material." Fred and I had the opportunity to go to Italy for our 30th Anniversary a few years ago. My breath was taken away when I saw the sculpture of Pieta (Mary holding the body of Christ). It was so beautifu...